Employment Services


Employment Support:

We provide individualized services and support that help you maintain paid employment in community businesses:

- Job coaching and support individually or in small groups.

- Job training and coaching to strengthen and maintain necessary work skills, behaviors and coworker relationships.

- Training and coaching in job related transportation.

Current contracts include AEOA Service Center/Arrowhead Transit, Fireplace Life Styles, ACE Hardware, and Community mowing.


Employment Exploration:

Our services can help you gain a better understanding of competitive, integrated employment opportunities in our community. We provide employment activities and experiences to strengthen your knowledge, interests, and preferences so you can make informed decisions about community employment:

- Individualized educational activities, including visits to community businesses to learn about various companies, services and opportunities.

- Career education to learn about specific occupations, job positions, and work opportunities.

- Ongoing educational information and counseling assistance about jobs/careers that might be of interest.

Employment Development:

We also provide individualized services designed to help you achieve competitive, integrated employment, become self-employed, or establish a microenterprise business in our community:

- Individualized, strengths-based assessments and employment opportunity discovery.

- Support for 30 days when you start a new position.

- Transportation to employment.

- Skills training to help you find and keep a job (we will help you with interviewing skills, using community resources, resume writing, etc.)